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Please note our holiday hours: Monday, February 17, 2025 - Closed in observance of President's Day. Online access to your account(s) will not be affected.

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The government did its part:

The events of September 11, 2001 resulted in legislation designed to help America fight terrorism. The government created this legislation to provide our country with stronger surveillance powers, tougher criminal laws against terrorism, and improved national intelligence. The legislation affected the financial industry and its anti-money laundering laws. By making these changes, the government hopes to stop large sums of money from being at the disposal of terrorists.

Now you can do your part to support these efforts:

All financial institutions are required to more carefully verify the identity of their account owners, loan applicants, parties to trusts, and purchasers of investments products. To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.

What this means for you:

When you open an account or apply for a loan, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents or ask you additional questions at the time of your transaction. We also may ask for the identifying information (e.g. Social Security Number, Driver’s License Number, etc. – see list on back cover) for signatories on business accounts, government/municipal accounts, and community group accounts. You can assist in the effort to uncover any suspicious activities before they threaten our nation’s security by providing the required proof of identification and answering these questions.

What will happen with the information you provide us:

The information we request of you will primarily be used to provide you with the products and services you requested, but will also assist us in the nation’s effort to fight against terrorism. Regulations require that the information you provide us be verified using one or more methods. For instance, we may compare it against public information databases to verify that information provided is current, accurate, and valid. This use is consistent with our Privacy Policy previously provided to you, and will not change our current information-sharing practices. This means that you can be confident that the information you provide us will remain secure, while making sure that our country’s financial institutions are free from misuse by terrorists and money launderers.

Safeguard yourself from fraud:

There’s increasing evidence that credit card, debit card, and similar fraud is a major source of funding for terrorists. By obtaining personal information about you - such as your debit or credit card numbers, personal identification numbers (PINs), deposit account numbers, Social Security Number, and Driver’s License Number - terrorists can unlawfully make withdrawals or purchases in your name. In doing so, they not only take what doesn’t belong to them, which can damage your credit and reputation in the process, but they may be funding terrorism.

To help prevent becoming a victim of fraud:

  • Keep your credit cards, debit cards, PINs, checks, account numbers, Social Security Number, Driver’s License Number, and other personal information in a safe place.

  • Keep deposit and withdrawal slips as well as credit and debit card receipts where they will be safe, and always shred them first before disposing of them.

  • Shred expired credit/debit/ATM/identification cards, credit card solicitations, credit card statements, financial institution statements, utility bills, insurance information, medical bills, and investment updates, before discarding them.

  • Don’t put your trash out until shortly before it will be picked up.

  • Don’t put mail in your curbside mailbox until shortly before it will be picked up.

  • Take your mail out of your curbside mailbox as soon as possible after it is delivered. If you’re traveling, have the U.S. Postal Service hold your mail or have someone you trust pick it up daily.

  • Limit the information on your checks to only that which is absolutely required, and don’t carry any more credit or debit cards than necessary.

  • Don’t provide your personal information to anyone in person, over the telephone, or over the Internet, unless you have very good reason to trust them.

  • Don’t provide your personal information to any website that doesn’t use encryption or other secure methods to protect it.

  • Use a firewall if you have a high-speed Internet connection. This software can be purchased on-line or from most software retailers.

  • Don’t use PINs or other passwords that are easy to guess such as family birth dates or your pet’s name.

  • Examine your credit card, debit card, and bank statements immediately upon receipt to determine whether there are any unauthorized transactions. Immediately report any unauthorized transactions to the financial institution.

  • Make a prompt inquiry if bills or statements are not received in a timely manner as this could mean they are being diverted by an identity thief.

  • Obtain copies of your credit report annually from each of the three major credit-reporting agencies (shown below) to make sure it is accurate and that the credit accounts reported are legitimate.

You may also wish to do the following:

  • Request to not receive any preapproved offers of credit by calling 1.888.5.OPT.OUT.

  • Ask to be removed from national direct mail lists by writing to the DMA Mail Preference Service at P.O. Box 9008, Farmingdale, NY 11735-9008. Include your name and address.

  • Ask to not receive telephone solicitations from national marketers by writing to the DMA Telephone Preference Service at P.O. Box 9014, Farmingdale, NY 11735-9014. Include your name, address and telephone number(s).

What to do if you discover you’re a victim of fraud:

1. Contact the Federal Trade Commission at: 

Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Response Center

600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20580

2. Write to or call the three major credit reporting agencies to place a fraud alert on your credit report and request a copy of your credit report:

Equifax   Experian  TransUnion

P.O. Box 740256

Atlanta, GA 30374-0256

P.O. Box 1017

Allen, TX 75013-1017

Fraud Victim Assistance Division

P.O. Box 6790

Fullerton, CA 92834-6790


1.888.766.0008 (fraud alerts)



3. Cancel all accounts that have had fraudulent activity or are at risk.

4. Contact your local law enforcement agency.

5. Contact the U.S. Postal Service if you know or suspect your mail has been stolen.

6. Keep detailed records of any theft of your identity and of your activities to resolve the theft including logs of the following:

  • The date, time, and amount of any unauthorized activity on your accounts;

  • The date, time, duration, and cost of any phone calls; and

  • The date and cost of any mailings.

Important information about procedures for closing a new loan:

As part of the application process, each person who will be a responsible party on the loan must provide information from two of the following documents of which one document MUST be a document shown in bold faced type:

  • State-issued Driver’s License with Photo

  • U.S. Passport or Passport Card with Photo

  • Foreign Passport

  • Entry Visa issued by U.S. Government

  • State-issued ID Document or Non-Driver’s License

  • Permanent Resident Card

  • Certificate of Naturalization

  • Employment Authorization Card issued by U.S. Government

  • Temporary Resident Card

  • Official Identification Card with Photo (police, civilian auxiliary, fire, etc.)

  • Medicaid or Medicare Card

  • Major/National Credit Card with signature